This post is for the broken. The lost. The hurting.
I was one of you once. Still sorta am. I'll post my story some day, but this isn't about me. It's about you.
So for starters, read my last post "Another Word For Beautiful". Go ahead. Do it.
People will have expectations for you. Sometimes they're kinda simple expectations, but most of the time, they feel pretty heavy.
You feel like you have to fit in at school, or with a certain group at school, or anywhere. Or you have to have perfect grades, or perfect hair, or the perfect figure. Or there's all of society's "do's & don't's" of life. You're expected to look a certain way, act a certain way, be a certain person. Or maybe you just love being with people, and you're afraid that they'll reject you unless you're this other person. And you want nothing more to be loved. So you conform to the fake life. You conform so much that the real you is lost... Nothing more than a wraith of a shadow.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Because you don't have to fit in at school, or with that group. You don't have to have completely perfect grades, or perfect hair, or the perfect figure. Society? PALEEEEASE. Society is so down the toilet, I don't even know where to start. You don't have to look that way, or act that way, or be that person. And if it's that you love being with people, and you're looking for a semi-permanent relationship, BE YOURSELF. They'll see it someday, so it's always better to start out on the real you. Don't conform.
You put yourself through all the self-judgement.
Something that I wrote in my journal while I was getting out of my depression:
I am my own prison. I can release myself.
DANG HOW TRUE THAT IS. It's all you.
A beautiful quote:
"Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't let the standard of your own self-criticism stop your progress. And you will have breakthroughs that you do not expect." -Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch
Easier said than done, right? I feel ya.
The first step is to realize that if your friends really are your friends, they will love you no matter how different you are, no matter how low your grades are, no matter how weird your hair looks, no matter what size or shape you are, no matter how real you are. They will love you. So be you!
And if your so deep into the depths of despair...
Remember that other post I had you read? Good. It'll come in handy now.
LISTEN (or read... ... ...)
Put down the knife. Eat the food. Stand up, and face tomorrow. Because if you feel like nobody loves you, and nobody ever could love you, remember that I do. If you feel like you aren't good enough, or pretty enough, remember that you are perfect the way you are. You are beautiful to me. And if you feel like there's no hope, I believe in you. You got this. Anything is possible. You have a lifetime of adventures to fulfill. Don't stop now. You never know what tomorrow holds until tomorrow comes. So go. LIVE.
I love you.
You are gorgeous.
You are good enough.
You are YOU.
And you are worth tomorrow.
This post is dedicated to my good friend, Christopher. Keep your head up. You got this.